About Us

Infectious Diseases

Women and Children’s Health

Non-Communicable Diseases

Universal Health Coverage

Unlock the Power Within

Join One Earth One Health – A Global Responsibility for Unity and Well-being

In a world yearning for healing and harmony, One Earth One Health emerges as the beacon of hope, igniting the flames of collective action and global responsibility. We extend an extraordinary invitation to every individual, from every corner of the globe, to unite in a transformative journey towards a healthier, more sustainable planet. Together, we shall embrace the profound wisdom of Sanatan philosophy, embracing unity and interdependence, for we are all interwoven threads in the cosmic tapestry of life.


Social Action

Collective Social Action for a Sustainable Future

Global Community

Building Thriving Global Community Chapters

Health and Harmony

Embracing the Science of Global Health and Harmony


Collective Impact Campaigns for a Flourishing World

Who We Are

Join One Earth One Health – A Global Responsibility for Unity and Well-being

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Why is One Health Important

One Health is not just a concept; it is a fundamental truth that defines our
existence. As people, animals, and the environment
coexist, their destinies intertwine.

A Comprehensive Perspective

One Health takes a holistic view, acknowledging that the health of one entity profoundly affects others. By considering the big picture, we can uncover the root causes of health issues and address them effectively.


Preventing Zoonotic Diseases

Infectious diseases like COVID-19, Ebola, and avian influenza can jump from animals to humans. One Health emphasizes early detection and collaborative efforts to prevent and control zoonotic diseases.

Environmental Conservation

Human activities impact the environment, affecting animal habitats and biodiversity. One Health advocates for sustainable practices to protect our delicate ecosystems.



Agriculture and food production connect humans, animals, and the environment. One Health promotes responsible agriculture to ensure a safe and abundant food supply.


Public Health Preparedness

Collaborative efforts between medical professionals, veterinarians, and environmental experts enhance our ability to anticipate and respond to health threats effectively.


Resilience Against Climate Change

Climate change disrupts ecosystems, posing challenges to human and animal health. One Health calls for adaptive strategies to protect vulnerable populations.


Global Collaboration

One Health transcends borders, cultures, and disciplines. It fosters international cooperation to tackle global health and environmental challenges.

Join the Movement

With your support we can change the
system and protect the future of
people and planet.